Milé kolegyne, milí kolegovia,
Prajeme Vám všetko najlepšie ku dňu učiteľov!
Vedenie FAJ
Milé kolegyne, milí kolegovia,
Prajeme Vám všetko najlepšie ku dňu učiteľov!
Vedenie FAJ
In the week of March 17-21 we welcomed two Spanish professors, Ana Maria Lopez Jimeno and Marta Eulalia Martin Fernández (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universitatea din București), who presented Spanish language and realities from a new point of view to both Spanish I and II level students.
On 4 March 2025, French language students from the Faculty of Applied Languages of the EUBA participated in the
The 13th edition of this successful event, organized on the occasion of the Francophonie Month by the Faculty of Management of the Charles University in cooperation with the Slovak-French University Institute and the French Institute in Bratislava, was also an opportunity to develop cooperation between the professional and academic spheres.
Our young researchers, Mgr. Filip KALAŠ, PhD. from the Faculty of Applied Languages and Ing. Pavol LIPTÁK from the Faculty of Commerce, participated in the 2nd ICISAS International Conference on Innovation, Sustainability and Applied Sciences in Dubai, UAE, on 22-23 February 2025.
Dear students,
we would like to inform you about the call for applications (2nd round) for the Erasmus+ Mobility ─ Study in the academic year 2025/2026.
Dear colleagues,
we would like to inform you that within the framework of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic for Mobility Support, a new call for applications for scholarships for study, research/art and lectureships in the academic year 2025/2026 has been published.
Le 12 mars 2025, la Faculté des Langues appliquées de l’Université d’Économie de Bratislava a accueilli un panel de conférences sous forme d’une « table ronde », axée sur des questions linguistiques et culturelles actuelles liées à la langue française. Cette rencontre a été organisée en coopération par M. Martin Růžička de la Faculté des Langues appliquées de l’Université d’Économie et Mme Zuzana Puchovská de la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université Comenius. Les étudiants de français de ces deux universités ont ainsi participé à l’événement.
From 24/02-28/02/2025 I had the opportunity to take part in an Erasmus+ teacher mobility at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Las Palmas in Gran Canaria. This experience was a unique opportunity not only for academic exchange of knowledge, but also to broaden professional contacts and to get acquainted with innovative teaching methods in the field of tourism.
From March 2, 2025 to March 6, 2025 I participated in a teaching fellowship within the Erasmus plus programme at the invitation of Dr. Jelly Offereins, Head of the International Department at the University of Utrecht, Faculty of Applied Sciences. The invitation was also in the framework of the Erasmus plus International Teachers' Week.