Office hours during the summer semester of the academic year 2024/2025:
Read more: Office Hours during the SS of the AY 2024/2025
Dear Colleagues,
The Department of Intercultural Communication cordially invites you to the Scientific Assembly, which will take place on 27.1.2025 at 10:00 am in room E2.06.
Read more: Invitation to the Scientific Assembly: Lecture on 'Glory to Ukraine'
Konzultačné hodiny na zimný semester akademického roka 2024/2025:
Read more: Konzultačné hodiny ZS 2024/2025
Konzultačné hodiny LS 2023/2024:
Read more: Konzultačné hodiny LS 2023/2024
na vedecké zasadnutie
Katedry interkultúrnej komunikácie
Prednáška na tému:
Technology of Ukrainian-English machine translation based on recursive neural network as long short-term memory
Prednášajúci: doc. Mgr. Svitlana Goloshchuk, PhD.
Prednáška sa bude konať v zasadačke dekana FAJ D2. 21
v pondelok 19. júna 2023 o 10. 00 h