Department of the German language (KNJ), as part of the Faculty of Applied Languages, provides German language teaching as the first and the second foreign language on the first, second and the third level of both internal and external studies at all EUBA faculties.
Department of the German language´s portfolio of activities include teaching German as a compulsory subject on the levels ranging from the specialized German language on intermediate level up to the highest level of specialized German language for the UE faculties. Department of the German language provides teaching of specialized disciplines in the German language at the Faculty of International Relations, which are part of the final state examination of the first and second foreign language "Intercultural communication and Negotiations in the German language ".
Each year, the pedagogical staff of KNJ do the surveillance on the UE's admission tests and also, assess the doctoral candidates' projects, aspiring for a doctoral degree.
Significant activities of KNJ FAJ include the implementation of preparatory courses, followed by an examination and certification, such as: PWD, ÖSD, Test DaF.
The German and Austrian lecturers in the KNJ FAJ, in cooperation with the embassies of Germany and Austria, the Goethe Institute and the Austrian Cultural Forum organize a number of accompanying events dedicated to the teaching staff of the FAJ and students of EUBA.