The quality assessment of learning and teaching processes at the Faculty of Applied Languages takes place within the framework of the integrated quality assurance and improvement system of the entire University. The monitoring and evaluation of quality at EUBA is governed by the following internal regulations:


The quality system monitors and evaluates the level of the teaching process, the performance of individual teachers, the standard of teaching units, the subjects taught and the overall study programmes. The results of the quality assessment are reported in a consolidated quality report each year.

 Quality reports:


Prieskum názorov na vyučovací proces

V každom semestri príslušného akademického roka sa realizuje prieskum názorov na pedagogický proces prostredníctvom ankiet dostupných v Akademickom informačnom systéme AIS. Študenti aj vyučujúci majú možnosť vyjadriť svoj názor a zapojiť sa do nasledovných prieskumov názorov:

  1. Prieskum názorov študentov na predmet/učiteľa
  2. Prieskum názorov učiteľov na skupiny študentov
  3. Prieskum názorov na kvalitu medzinárodnej mobility

In order to promote positive awareness and promote organized public events, the University of Economics in Bratislava produces visual and audio recordings and publishes them on its website. In case of reservations to the published video and audio recordings, please make these reservations in writing to the following e-mail address: . Complete information on personal data processing here.