V rámci 5. ročníka International Teaching and Training Week 2017 prijal dňa 18.10.2017 dekan Fakulty aplikovaných jazykov doc. PhDr. Radosalv Štefančík, MPol. Ph.D.  zahraničných hostí: Alexeya Fominykha z Volga State University of Technology (Ruská federácia) a Agnieszku Dagmara Wroblewsku-Rubinkowsku z West Lothian College zo Škótska. Prof. Alexey Fomynikh vystúpil s prednáškou na tému Russia's Public Diplomacy a Dr. Agnieszka Dagmara Wroblewska-Rubinkowska viedla seminar zameraný na tému Intrinsic and Extrinsic Forms of Motivation, v rámci ktorého sa naši študenti veľmi aktívne zapájali . Prijatia sa zúčastnila aj prodekanka pre medzinárodné vzťahy PhDr. Ildikó Némethová, PhD., PhDr. Mária Bláhová, PhD., vedúca katedry interkultúrnej komunikácie, Mgr. Dominika Fifiková, PhD., odborná asistentka na Katedre jazykovedy a translatológie a Ing. Denisa Běčáková, referentka pre medzinárodné vzťahy a rozvoj. Témou rozhovoru okrem iného bola aj možnosť nadviazania užšej spolupráce v oblasti interkultúrnej komunikácie pri podobných projektoch aj v budúcnosti.

 Alexey Fominykh heads the International Project Office at Volga State University of Technology in Yoshkar-Ola (Mari El Republic, Russian Federation), and works as Research Fellow at Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of Volga Tech. He has been working in international education since 1999. He took part in 7 Tempus and Erasmus joint inter-university projects, and was among the first Russian international academic administrators on a specialized Fulbright Program to Teachers College at Columbia University and the University of Minnesota in 2007. He also lectures on International Relations at Mari State University in Yoshkar-Ola and cooperates with the Russian International Affairs Council in Moscow on research and educational projects on international education, public and cultural diplomacy.

Agnieszka Dagmara Wroblewska-Rubinkowska has BA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, MA in American Literature and Culture, Diploma in Marketing and Public Relations. She has nearly 20 years of experience in teaching English as a second language and 10 years teaching at a university level (English Philology, undergraduate and postgraduate studies). Her main points of interest are: motivation in foreign language learning and factors affecting foreign language acquisition.



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