V týždni od 20.-24.11.2017 sa konala bloková výučba v predmete Diskusné fórum pre študentov posledného ročníka magisterského štúdia na Fakulte aplikovaných jazykov Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. Blokovú výučbu v dvoch skupinách odučili pani Dr. Jana Fiserova a Esther Knight zo Staffordshire University, ktoré  v prvý deň  výučby prijal na osobnom stretnutí dekan FAJ doc. PhDr. Radoslav Štefančík, Mpol. Ph.D. Pani prodekanka pre medzinárodné vzťahy PhDr. Ildikó Némethová, PhD. spolu s vedúcou Katedry interkultúrnej komunikácie PhDr. Máriou Bláhovou vysvetlili koncepciu intenzívneho týždňa a pozvali pána dekana na piatkovú študentskú minikonferenciu, ktorá bola zavŕšením týždňa blokovej výučby.

Na študentskej minikonferencii 24.11.2017 odprezentovali študenti zadané spracované témy. Konferencia mala podľa vyučujúcich aj samotných študentov veľmi vysokú úroveň a svojím obsahom bola prínosná pre všetkých zúčastnených. Na záver odovzdali Esther Knihgt a Dr. Jana Fiserova všetkým študentom certifikáty o absolvovaní blokovej výučby v predmete Diskusné fórum.

Esther Knight has over 20 years experience working with the EU and the UK external funding in the North West and West Midlands. She works as the External Funding Officer for the External Projects Team in Enterprise and Commercial Development. Her team supports university staff in all aspects of external funding from sources ranging from Research Councils to the European Commission, partner search and development and we work closely with the Knowledge Transfer team on innovation activities. She helps to diversify income for Staffordshire University through running events, tracking funding opportunities, providing bespoke information and providing a quality assurance service for bids in progress.

Dr Jana Fiserova as a quantitative researcher established in applied economics  uses her expertise to build a bridge between academia and industry. She has the opportunity to actively engage in practice-based research thanks to her role as the Director of the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Programme, which is a professional doctorate specially designed for senior executives to make a contribution to knowledge and management practice. Her passion to solve real business problems using rigorous research methods drives my research agenda and publication outputs. She is currently involved in research projects focusing on the use of social media by small enterprises, the relationship between customer experience and sales growth, family business succession planning, and returns and risk associated with investment in human capital.

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