ERASMUS+ Mobility
Erasmus+ is the European Union's mobility programme, funded by the European Commission. It aims to modernise and improve the quality of higher education in Europe and worldwide.
Erasmus+ mobility is implemented on the basis of key actions.
Types of ERASMUS+ mobility
- ERASMUS+ student mobility within the EÚ
Key Action KA103 offers the opportunity to go on mobility within Europe (all EU Member States and non-EU countries - Macedonia, Turkey, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway).
Partner institutions:
- ERASMUS+ student mobility outside the EU
- Erasmus + zahraničná praktická stáž
- ERASMUS+ absolventská stáž
The application must be submitted during study, but is done after you graduate as a graduate student. For more information, please visit
Erasmus+ Application Form
Applications for ERASMUS+ mobility study are made via the studyabroad portal. There is also an application manual manuál na prihlasovanie or technical support 0907 551 404.
To create an application you need to register on the studyabroad portal and then follow these steps:
- Fill in the official Erasmus+ application form (Student Application Form).
- Upload a photo.
- Upload a structured curriculum vitae/CV in English.
The CV in English must be accompanied by a document in the second language of instruction at FAJ EUBA.
- Upload a cover letter in English. The English cover letter must be accompanied by a document in the second language of instruction at FAJ EUBA.
- Upload a transcript of grades in the Slovak language.
- Upload a preliminary list of the courses you plan to take during your stay abroad at each college or university, indicating the language in which the courses are taught.
- Upload other activities (school and extracurricular activities, various awards).
Print the application form generated from the studyabroad system for the academic year, sign it, and email the scanned form along with complete documentation to the Vice Dean for International Relations, Dr. habil. PhDr. Ildikó Németh, PhD.
Remember that you must SUBMIT your application in the studyabroad system.
If you want to upload multiple documents in any section, upload them within one zip file.
Obligations before going on Erasmus+ mobility
Before going on mobility, the student is obliged to fill in and upload all the necessary documents on the studyabroad portal.
At FAJ EUBA, students have 2 basic documents to upload to the studyabroad portal:
Each 1st and 2nd degree student must take a minimum of 5 courses or earn 30 ECTS credits per semester during mobility.
If the Online Learning Agreement OLA is signed by all three parties (student, FAJ EUBA, foreign university), you will receive an email notification that the OLA is signed and you can download it in PDF format and then upload it to the studyabroad portal.
The application must be written out completely, including the exact period of your stay, which coincides with the period on the acceptance letter.
No student is allowed to go on an Erasmus+ mobility study without an officially approved study release application.
Changes during Erasmus+ mobility study
When you arrive at a foreign university, there may be changes to the structure of the courses you took before you left. Even if you had them approved and the OLA signed before you left, you may have to choose different courses (due to a course not opening, overlapping courses in the timetable, etc.).
In this case, you must make adjustments in the OLA Changes section (during mobility) for those courses to be adjusted. All changes must be registered in OLA.
Once the modifications have been made and signed by you, the OLA will be sent again to the Vice-Dean and the responsible person at the foreign university for signature.
Obligations after returning from Erasmus +
After returning from the Erasmus+ mobility, the mobility must also be concluded at the FAJ EUBA. Each student is obliged to apply for recognition of the courses they have taken at the foreign university.
The recognition of the courses taken at the foreign university must be requested by e-mail to the Vice Dean for International Relations, Dr. Habil. Ildikó Németh, PhD. and send her the following documents:
- Request for recognition of completed courses
The application must be completely filled out in electronic form and signed in your own handwriting.
- Transcript of Records ToR - to be issued by the foreign university
- Certificate of Completion of Mobility - to be issued by the foreign university
- List of courses to be recognized according to the study plan in the given semester from the AIS system in a word document.
Each student is required to submit a request for recognition of completed courses as soon as the official ToR is received.
No student is allowed to go on a study placement without a validly signed and confirmed Request for Release from Study during ERASMUS+ mobility! Žiadosti o uvoľnenie zo štúdia počas ERASMUS+ mobility!