Erasmus + Traineeship
A traineeship is a period of time spent by a student in a company or other organisation in an Erasmus+ eligible country.
The aim of a traineeship is to give individuals the opportunity to better adapt to the requirements of the labour market, to acquire professional and practical skills and to gain a deeper understanding of the economic and social conditions of the host country.
Traineeships abroad can be supported by Erasmus+ for a period of between 2 and 12 months.
The traineeship must be relevant to the student's field of study as well as to his/her specific conditions for qualification development.
The host organisation of the traineeship can be any public or private enterprise, non-profit organisation, start-up company, educational organisation, association, ministry, embassy, research institute, archive. The only exceptions are organisations that are directly managed by the EU, such as the European Parliament, the European Commission, national agencies, national banks. These institutions are not eligible for Erasmus+ traineeships as they have their own trainee programmes.
Erasmus+ traineeship offers can be found on the Erasmus Intern Traineeship Portal.
Application Form for Erasmus+ traineeship
Applications for ERASMUS+ traineeships are submitted via the portal Studyabroad.
There is also an application guide: manuál na prihlasovanie or technical support 0907 551 404.
- Fill in the official Erasmus+ application form (Student Application Form).
On the application form, please indicate the name of the company or organisation where you plan to do your Erasmus+ traineeship.
- Upload a photo.
- Upload a structured CV (curriculum vitae/CV) in English.
- Upload a motivation letter in English.
If the faculty itself sets additional conditions and criteria, it is essential that these are met.
Obligations before going on an Erasmus+ traineeship
Before leaving for the traineeship, the student is required to complete and upload all necessary documents to the Studyabroad portal.
At FAJ EUBA, students have 2 basic documents to upload to the studyabroad portal:
- Learning Agreement for Traineeship
Learning Agreement for Traineeship
The LA-T indicates the exact date of the traineeship:
The start of mobility is the first day the trainee must be present at the receiving institution for the purpose of the traineeship.
The end of the mobility is the last day on which the trainee is present in the host organisation/company for the purpose of the traineeship.
The title of the traineeship, the number of working hours per week, the detailed programme of the traineeship must include the tasks to be carried out by the trainee and their associated timetable.
The monitoring plan shall describe how and when during the traineeship the trainee will be monitored by the sending institution, the host organisation/company and, if relevant, by a third party.
The evaluation plan describes the evaluation criteria that will be used to assess the traineeship and the learning outcomes.
The LA-T is signed by the trainee, the supervisor at the host institution and, on behalf of the sending institution, the Vice Dean for International Relations at the relevant faculty.
The fully signed copy of the LA-T is uploaded by the student to: upload).
- Request for release from studies
Žiadosť o uvoľnenie zo štúdia z dôvodu stáže v zahraničí
The application must be written out completely, including the exact period of stay, which coincides with the period on the acceptance letter.
After receiving acceptance from the company, the student completes the Acceptance Letter: Akceptačný list in collaboration with the host institution.
The Acceptance Letter must be on the host organisation's letterhead, stamped and signed by the supervisor (the person responsible for supervising the student). The acceptance letter in Slovak language can be used in the Czech Republic. The acceptance letter in English is intended for other EU countries.
The acceptance letter is uploaded by the student to the application.
No student is allowed to go on an Erasmus+ placement without an officially approved application for release from studies.
Obligations on return from Erasmus+ traineeship
After returning from the traineeship, it is possible to apply for recognition of one compulsory elective course.
The recognition of a compulsory elective course should be requested by e-mail to the Vice Dean for International Relations, Dr. habil. Ildikó Németh, PhD. and send her the following documents:
No student is allowed to go on an Erasmus+ placement without an officially approved Request for Study Abroad Release! Žiadosti o uvoľnenie zo štúdia z dôvodu stáže v zahraničí