Currently ongoing projects at the FAJ:

Migration Discourse in the V4 Countries through the Lens of Political Linguistics

Project: APVV

Main researcher: doc. PhDr. Radoslav Štefančík, MPol., Ph.D.

Co-researchers: PaedDr. Eva Stradiotová, PhD., Dr. habil., PhDr. Ildikó Némethová, PhD., doc. Mgr. Mária Spišiaková, PhD., Mgr. Terézia Seresová, PhD.

Project number: 6K1138

Duration: 2024-2027


Political Discourse in Slovakia in the Context of the War in Ukraine

Project: VEGA

Main researcher: doc. PhDr. Radoslav Štefančík, MPol., Ph.D.

Co-researchers: PaedDr. Eva Stradiotová, PhD., doc., Mgr. Mária Spišiaková, PhD., Mgr. Linda Krajčovičová, PhD., Mgr. Terézia Seresová, PhD., prof. PhDr. Ján Liďák, CSc. (UPJS Košice), Mgr. Michaela Grinaj, PhD.

Project number: 1/0075/24

Duration: 2024-2026


Artificial Intelligence in the Humanities and Socio-Economic Sectors

Project: Grant of University of Economics in Bratislava for young teachers, researchers and PhD students

Main researcher: Mgr. Filip Kalaš, PhD.

Co-researchers:  Ing. Pavol Lipták (OF EUBA), Ing. Juraj Sýkora (FMV EUBA)

Project number: I-24-113-00

Duration: 2024



Project: ERASMUS+ KA220-HED

Main Researcher: Mgr. Jozef Štefčík, PhD.

Project number: 2023-1-SI01-KA220-HED-000154000

Duration: 1.10.202330. 9. 2025


ePortfolio as a Pedagogy Supporting Integrated Learning

Project: KEGA

Main researcher: doc. PaedDr. Zuzana Hrdličková, Ph.D. - Trnavská univerzita 

Deputy Head of Project: PhDr. Jarmila Rusiňáková, PhD.

Co-researchers: PhDr. Eva Maierová, PhD., doc.Mgr. Mária Spišiaková, PhD., Mgr. Želmíra Pavliková, Mgr. Diana Patricia Varela Cano, PhD., Mgr. Natalia Shumeiko, PhD., RNDr. Eva Rakovská, PhD. (FHI EUBA), PhDr. Xénia Liashuk, PhD. (Trnavská univerzita)

Project number: 012EU-4/2023

Duration: 2023-2025


Innovation of Teacher Study Programmes in Religious Education, Ethics Education and Education for Citizenship with a Focus on the Development of Competences

Project: KEGA

Main researcher: Mgr. Jana Kucharová, PhD.

Project number: 020UKF-4/2023 

Duration: 2023-2025


Innovative Methods in Teaching Business Negotiations in English in the Context of Successful Application of Graduates of the University of Economics in Bratislava on the Domestic and Foreign Labour Market


Project: KEGA

Main Researcher: Mgr. Ivana Kapráliková, PhD.

Project number: 040EU-4/2024

Duration: 2024-2026


Terminology Databases as an Effective Tool for Modernisation and Internationalisation of University Education

Project: KEGA

Main Researcher: doc. Mgr. Zuzana Gašová, PhD.

Co-researchers:Mgr. Jozef Štefčík, PhD., PaedDr. Alexandra Mandáková, PhD., doc. PaedDr. Oľga Wrede, PhD. (Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre), Mgr. Zuzana Vyhnáliková, PhD. (Technická univerzita vo Zvolene), doc. Ing. Peter Lešo, PhD. (Technická univerzita vo Zvolene)

Project number: 012EU-4/2024

Duration: 2024-2026


Multilingualism in Different Spheres of Life in Contemporary Bratislava

Project: VEGA

Main Researcher: Ing. Mgr. Ondrušová Terézia, PhD.,

Deputy Head of Project: doc. Mgr. Ing. Katarína Seresová, PhD.

Co-researchers:  Mgr. Kucharová Jana, PhD., Mgr. Kunovská Ingrid, PhD., PhDr. Šukolová Lucia, PhD., Mgr. Kočišová Zuzana, Ing. Mgr. Paté Magdaléna, PhD., Mgr. Svitlana Goloshchuk, PhD.

Project number: 1/0295/23

Duration: 2023-2025



Project: European Research Executive Agency (REA)

Main Researcher: doc. Ing. Paula Puškárová, Dis. art., PhD. 

Co-researchers: Ing. Mikuláš Černota, PhD., Ing. Viktória Peštová, Mgr. Michaela Grinaj, PhD., Mgr. Natalia Shumeiko, PhD. (výskumníčka „Financované EÚ NextGenerationEU prostredníctvom Plánu obnovy a odolnosti SR v rámci projektu č. 09I03-03-V01-00045"), doc. Svitlana Goloshchuk, PhD. (výskumníčka „Financované EÚ NextGenerationEU prostredníctvom Plánu obnovy a odolnosti SR v rámci projektu č. 09I03-03-V01-00118")

Project number: 101060874

Duration: 2022-2029

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