Milí študenti,

dovoľujeme si Vás touto cestou informovať, že nemecká nadácia Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung vypisuje štipendiá pre magisterské a doktorandské štúdium v Nemecku. Táto ponuka je určená hlavne pre spoločensky angažovaných študentov a doktorandov všetkých odborov zo Slovenskej republiky.

Podmienky výberového konania a ďalšie náležitosti k získaniu štipendia nájdete v prílohe a na 
S pozdravom,


Do not hesitate to take advantage of the unique opportunity to take part in Erasmus + for internship. Get professional / practical skills to better understand an economic and social conditions of host country in synergy with the acquisition of work experience and language skills.

Fill the application form on for the current academic year 2019/2020. Bring the application to the Vice-Dean for International Relations on your faculty till December 15, 2019.

Erasmus stáž call december 2019


Milí študenti,

radi by sme Vás pozvali na podujatie International Study Fair, ktoré sa bude konať 5. novembra 2019 v miestnosti V2 od 10:30 do 13:30.

Bližšie informácie nájdete TU.


Tešíme sa na Vašu účasť!


Milá študentka, milý študent prvého ročníka,

v mene dekana Fakulty aplikovaných jazykov doc. PhDr. Radoslava Štefančíka, MPol., Ph.D., si vás dovoľujeme pozvať na slávnostnú imatrikuláciu študentov prvého ročníka Fakulty aplikovaných jazykov, ktorá sa uskutoční dňa 23. 10. 2019 (streda) o 12,45 v miestnosti C1.07. Slávnostná imatrikulácia patrí medzi najvýznamnejšie akademické slávnosti, preto je Vaša účasť očakávaná. Pedagógovia, ktorí budú mať s Vami pedagogický proces, budú upovedomení, aby Vás uvoľnili v dostatočnom predstihu.

Tešíme sa na Vašu účasť.

Študijné oddelenie FAJ


Dear students,

Students’ Association of ISM University of Management and Economics from Lithuania invites you to participate in a social business case competition Creative Shock, where you could win 2000 euros and a round-trip flight to any destination in the world.

Creative Shock attracts youth from all over the world to educate them about the concept of social business, its implementation, and impact. Participants have to solve two social business cases in the preliminary rounds. The best 10 teams gather in Vilnius, Lithuania, to solve the final case. They will be competing for the Grand Prize - 2000 euros and Turkish Airlines tickets to any country of their choosing. A more detailed description can be found here.

By participating in Creative Shock, you will be able to apply your business management, marketing, and creativity skills and widen your knowledge about social business. In addition, this is a possibility to gain international experience as well as see the impact of your work as some cases are real-life social business problems.

How to participate:

  • Register here individually or form a team of 3 to 4 members until the 6th of October 20:00 (UTC+03:00, Eastern European Summer Time Zone)

  • Pass the two preliminary rounds

  • TOP 10 teams will be invited to the finals in Vilnius on the 28th of November  - 1st of December for a 4-day final event

    The TOP 10 teams will be solving the final case in Vilnius, Lithuania! Lectures, networking events, team buildings, and lots of other fun activities will also be included in the final weekend. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Creative Shock team via email .

    See you there!

    Team of Creative Shock 2019