SHUMEIKO, Natalia, Mgr. PhD.

106003 - Katedra anglického jazyka

Výskumná pracovníčka
Miestnosť D2.13
E-mailová adresa
Telefón +421 2 6729 5213
Pedagogická činnosť:

 Odborný anglický jazyk pre pokročilých I

Odborný anglický jazyk pre pokročilých II

Odborný anglický jazyk pre pokročilých III


Business English for Advanced Students I

Business English for Advanced Students II

Business English for Advanced Students III

Vedeckovýskumná činnosť:


Vybrané publikácie:

Spišiaková,, & Shumeiko, N. (2024). E-Learning resources implementation in teaching Business English and Testing English speaking skills at the university level. In: Folia linguistica et litteraria: Journal of Language and Literary Studies. Vol. 48, pp. 289-304. ISSN 2337-0955 / ISSN 1800-8542

Shumeiko, N, & Osadcha K. (2024). Application of artificial intelligence in higher education institutions for developing soft skills of future specialists in the sphere of information technology. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS). 2871. XVI International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. IOP Publishing

Osadcha, K, & Shumeiko N. (2024). Artificial Intelligence, the labor market, and education for sustainable development: the points of intersection. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1415. The International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters. Published under license by IOP Publishing Ltd.

Shumeiko N. (2024). Exploiting the potential of Artificial Intelligence in teaching English: some scientific aspects. In: Proceedings of XXXVII DidMatTech 2024 Conference New Methods and Technologies in Education, Research and Practice, Selye University - Komárno, Trnava University in Trnava, p.46-57. ISBN 978-80-568-0698-2

Shumeiko, N. & Osadcha, K. (2024). Exploiting Artificial Intelligence-Based and Standard Learning Management Systems in Blended and Distance-Learning Models. In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, vol. XXIII., no. 5, pp. 52-66. ISSN 1336-2232.

Shumeiko, N. (2024). The use of learning management systems in the educational process: the expediency and benefits. In: Educological discourse. Vol. 45, no. 2. ISSN: 2312-5829

Osadcha, K. & Shumeiko, N. (2024). Geopolitics, Artificial Intelligence and the global economy: the views and thoughts. In: Proceedings of 36th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Transformation of Economic Systems and Institutions in the Geostrategic Realities,” 2, pp.270-274. ISBN 978-966-434-572-6

Shumeiko, N. & Mandáková, A. (2024). Figurative language in contemporary political discourse related to war and peace. In: Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků mezinárodní vědecké konference "MMK 2024 Mezinárodní Masarzkova konference pro doktorandy a mladé vědecké pracovníky." ročník XV. 16. – 18. prosince 2024, pp. 855-858; MAGNANIMITAS, Hradec Králové, Česká republika, ISBN 978-80-87952-41-2

Spišiaková,, & Shumeiko, N. (2022). Political Euphemisms and Neologisms in Online Media Content: amid the war in Ukraine. In R. Štefančík (Ed.), Jazyk a politika. Na pomedzi lingvistiky a politologie VII: Zborník príspevkov zo 7. ročníka medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie (pp. 372–388). ISBN 978-80-225-4987-5 / ISSN 2729-8981 ISSN 2729-8973 (online). Bratislava, Slovakia

Selected publications:

Spišiaková,, & Shumeiko, N. (2024). E-Learning resources implementation in teaching Business English and Testing English speaking skills at the university level. In: Folia linguistica et litteraria: Journal of Language and Literary Studies. Vol. 48, pp. 289-304. ISSN 2337-0955 / ISSN 1800-8542

Shumeiko, N, & Osadcha K. (2024). Application of artificial intelligence in higher education institutions for developing soft skills of future specialists in the sphere of information technology. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS). 2871. XVI International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. IOP Publishing

Osadcha, K, & Shumeiko N. (2024). Artificial Intelligence, the labor market, and education for sustainable development: the points of intersection. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1415. The International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters. Published under license by IOP Publishing Ltd.

Shumeiko N. (2024). Exploiting the potential of Artificial Intelligence in teaching English: some scientific aspects. In: Proceedings of XXXVII DidMatTech 2024 Conference New Methods and Technologies in Education, Research and Practice, Selye University - Komárno, Trnava University in Trnava, p.46-57. ISBN 978-80-568-0698-2

Shumeiko, N. & Osadcha, K. (2024). Exploiting Artificial Intelligence-Based and Standard Learning Management Systems in Blended and Distance-Learning Models. In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, vol. XXIII., no. 5, pp. 52-66. ISSN 1336-2232.

Shumeiko, N. (2024). The use of learning management systems in the educational process: the expediency and benefits. In: Educological discourse. Vol. 45, no. 2. ISSN: 2312-5829

Osadcha, K. & Shumeiko, N. (2024). Geopolitics, Artificial Intelligence and the global economy: the views and thoughts. In: Proceedings of 36th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Transformation of Economic Systems and Institutions in the Geostrategic Realities,” 2, pp.270-274. ISBN 978-966-434-572-6

Shumeiko, N. & Mandáková, A. (2024). Figurative language in contemporary political discourse related to war and peace. In: Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků mezinárodní vědecké konference "MMK 2024 Mezinárodní Masarzkova konference pro doktorandy a mladé vědecké pracovníky." ročník XV. 16. – 18. prosince 2024, pp. 855-858; MAGNANIMITAS, Hradec Králové, Česká republika, ISBN 978-80-87952-41-2

Spišiaková,, & Shumeiko, N. (2022). Political Euphemisms and Neologisms in Online Media Content: amid the war in Ukraine. In R. Štefančík (Ed.), Jazyk a politika. Na pomedzi lingvistiky a politologie VII: Zborník príspevkov zo 7. ročníka medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie (pp. 372–388). ISBN 978-80-225-4987-5 / ISSN 2729-8981 ISSN 2729-8973 (online). Bratislava, Slovakia


Vybrané projekty:

EU / 09I03-03-V01-00045 – NextGenerationEU through the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia (2022– súčasnosť)

KEGA 012EU-4/2023– e-Portfólio ako pedagogika podporujúca integrovanú výučbu (2023– súčasnosť), člen kolektívu

HORIZON-CL6-2021-CLIMATE-01 / ID 101060874 – Water4All Partnership (2023 – súčasnosť), člen kolektívu

Selected projects:

EU / 09I03-03-V01-00045 – NextGenerationEU through the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia (2022– súčasnosť)

KEGA 012EU-4/2023– e-Portfólio ako pedagogika podporujúca integrovanú výučbu (2023– súčasnosť), člen kolektívu

HORIZON-CL6-2021-CLIMATE-01 / ID 101060874 – Water4All Partnership (2023 – súčasnosť), člen kolektívu


Vybrané medzinárodné mobility a zahraničné pobyty:

Univerzita Lancaster, Veľká Británia, 2024, Letné školy korpusovej lingvistiky, účastník

Univerzita Würzburg, Nemecko, 2024, AI for Software Engineering, workshop, účastník

University College London, Veľká Británia, 2024, konferencia

International scientific and research activities:

Lancaster University, United Kingdom, 2024, Summer Schools in Corpus Linguistics, participant

University of Würzburg, Germany, 2024, AI for Software Engineering, workshop, participant

University College London, United Kingdom, 2024, conference

Doplnkové informácie

Vysokoškolské vzdelanie a ďalší kvalifikačný rast:

Vysokoškolské vzdelanie druhého stupňa:

Chersonský pedagogický inštitút N. K. Krupskej, ruský jazyk a literatúra, anglický jazyk

Vysokoškolské vzdelanie tretieho stupňa:

Kyjevská národná jazyková univerzita (obhajoba dizertačnej práce na Rivnenskej štátnej univerzite humanitných vied), pedagogické vedy

The second level of higher education:

Kherson Pedagogical Institute named after N. K. Krupskaya, Russian Language and Literature, English Language

The third level of higher education:

Kyiv National Linguistic University (defended the dissertation at Rivne State University of Humanities), Pedagogical sciences