Professor Rune Todnem By is Professor of Organisational Behaviour at Staffordshire University School of Business, Leadership and Economics; Professor II Change Leadership (Stavanger University, Norway); Co-founder & Chair of the Public Leadership Foundation; and Editor-in-Chief of Routledge's Journal of Change Management ( Rune’s work on organisational change is widely referred to in international peer-reviewed publications, and his article ‘Organisational change management: A critical review‘ (2005) has been included in several books. His research interests span organisational change; organisational behaviour; leadership; ethics; and public services management. Recent publications include the co-edited book ‘Managing Organizational Change in Public Services’ (Routledge, 2009), book chapters, and articles in international peer-reviewed journals. Before joining Staffordshire University Business School, Rune worked at University of Wolverhampton and Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. In 2009, Rune was a participant of the Scottish Crucible, an academic leadership-development programme sponsored by NESTA, the Scottish Funding Council, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and Scottish universities. Previous to joining academia, Rune worked in the Norwegian army. First as a corporal in His Majesty the King’s Royal Guard, and then as a NATO paramedic in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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